Analysing Network Protocols to identify vulnerabilities.
Category: Exploit Dev
Use After Free Vulnerabilities
Exploiting use-after-free vulnerabilities.
Heap Exploitation: The House of Force
Tampering with the top chunk size field for an arbitrary write primitive.
Ubuntu 20.04 Heap Exploitation
Exploiting heap corruption on Ubuntu 20.04.
Heap Thread Cache Exploitation
Exploiting heap thread caching on glibc 2.26.
Heap Fastbin Exploitation
Double free exploitation of glibc heap fastbins.
Dealing with Small Buffer Space
Using relative JMP instructions to escape small buffers.
64-Bit Return-to-libc Attacks
Bypassing NX on 64-bit Linux.
Bypassing DEP & ASLR in Linux
Bypassing DEP & ASLR using pointer leakage and return orientated programming.
Format String Exploitation
A quick tutorial on exploiting format string vulnerabilities to read and write memory.